Friday 4 March 2016

Life after 50

 It was my daughters  who urged me to start a blog and  share my spirits and 50+ ....and I owe this blog to my daughters,  my sons in law and my husband without  whose encouragement I could not have done this. 

In conjunction with my husband's retirement and our daughter's delivery around that time a few years ago I decided to give up my job and return to India from Oman (which was our home for over 3 decades) and enjoy baby sitting  our new grandchild.
My colleague, a young lady from Delhi told me  "Sri, you are not that old to retire from active life.  Pursue your hobbies,  your passions,  things that you loved to do but could not, during the hectic life schedule of the younger days...enjoy every moment before it's too late and old age takes a toll .....". 

  Yes ....I thought I had always been revolves around children and home.... School, Home work,  then it's higher education...job.... their marriage...etc etc in addition to our busy employed life....that's an average Indian woman's life.  Now,  with children away from home and busy with their own families,  I thought this was the time to revive old interests .... to embrace the child in me. 

I have more free time now and could use it for activities I, pilgrimage, reading, writing, trying out new recipes, attending satsangs,  taking classes for children,  helping in organising summer camps for children, spending constructive time with my father who is in his mid nineties, connecting with people, attending yoga classes.... 

Yes I need to spend more time for ",ME" , my body, mind and spirit....I'm going to have fun...."Life is to be enjoyed while it lasts " had always been my at 50+ is the time you really understand the true value of learn to enjoy and embrace everything without attachment...that is when we enjoy life. A positive energy is the very essence of our existence. I realised the secret to a successful life lies in becoming more of "who I  am".  Others' comments don't sting me anymore.

I seek my children's advice ...I realise they know more than I do or knew at their age. .... I hardly knew what a blog was.....we were not techno savvy... during our younger days. 
...At 50+  I realise the value of being passionate about some things in life....I now look forward to visiting our childrens' families,  meeting my grand daughter which is one of the most beautiful things in life.... I've learnt to "let go" and not carry things.....I've realised that the  motto of Indian Railways "less luggage more comfort"  ..applies to the journey of life as well.. like i read somewhere I'm learning  to  "stop arguing and let the other person be wrong at times"....I know the value of  celebrating life and know very well that life is only going to get better......I've learnt to age gracefully...above all I have  time for spiritual understand the real inner  "me"......which keeps me blissful....connecting  with God helps me to improve my connections with everyone and everything around.... I've learnt to embrace death as I realise it's only a new beginning an eternal life of bliss. 

So here I go in " high spirits" and "spirituality ". ...
And look forward to receiving comments and suggestions.......


  1. Nice way to start a blog.And as always be positive. Enjoy life.

  2. Nice way to start a blog.And as always be positive. Enjoy life.
